About me:

Born and raised in Chicago with my 7 brothers and sisters in 1965. After graduating high school with a GED at the age of 17 years old, I joined the US Marines and was honorably discharged after 4 years of active duty. After the military, I returned to Chicago and got involved with the wrong crowd which led to a number of visits to the courts (no criminal convictions of any kind) and unhealthy lifestyle choices, which led to me hitting ROCK BOTTOM in my life. In my ROCK BOTTOM state, I started living in my car in an abandon garage in the middle of Chicago’s winter ready to give up on life, because I was mentally exhausted, felt defeated, with no future hope. In 1990, my aunt intervened in my life and helped me to receive professional assistance utilizing my veteran benefits. In 1991, my life had improved enough to seek employment, but with no post high school education and few skills from the military my employment choices were limited. In 1992, I started working at Motorola Corporation through a temporary employment agency and attending community college. I was hired as a permanent Motorola employee in 1993. May of 1996, I transferred to Arizona with Motorola as a technician, later promoted to supervisor. In 1998, I transitioned my employment from Motorola to working as a supervisor in the financial aid department at the University of Phoenix. I continued my education earning a bachelor’s degree in business management (BSBM) and a master's degree in business administration (MBA) from the University of Phoenix. My employment at the university abruptly ended after the financial aid dept. was outsourced to an external organization. With two weeks of severance pay from the university, I started a carpet cleaning company with a Visa credit card and later became a franchise owner with Proforce Cleaning. October of 2000, I relinquished the service businesses for personal reasons and sought employment. I secured employment in November of 2000 with Intel Corporation as an Operations Manager and returned to college to complete my 2nd master’s degree in Human Resource Management (MHRM) from Ottawa University and graduated in 2006. After earning my 2nd master’s degree, I enrolled at University of Phoenix to pursue a doctorate degree in Organizational Development and Leadership. After 1 year of doctorate studies completed at UOP, I decided to change universities and degree studies to pursue a Doctor of Ministry (DM) degree from a Christian university. I have served in multiple capacities in ministries throughout the last 30+ years and I am blessed to continue to work in the technology industry for the past 25+ years a career that I absolutely enjoy!


Today, I use my life experiences, accumulated academic knowledge and my spirituality to help me manage myself which I believe has helped me be a better manager for the organization I work and ministries I have supported. I am also fully committed to serving in the ministry I attend. If time allows, I help ministries with various teachings on leadership and organizational development, life skills/personal development, and biblical finance strategies. I have taught in large audiences with 300+ in attendance and I have personally mentored many people of all ethnicities. Others throughout the organization I work at are constantly sending me people to mentor without me ever asking for more people to mentor—I have a hard time saying NO, you will have to ask someone else to help you. I am a serious and passionate student of life-long learning and personal development, for I have been studying personal development and mindsets since 1993. I am very happy and grateful for the mentors who have impacted my life exponentially and have taught me the values of understanding mindsets, personal development, attitudes, and spoken words--to my mentors I say thank you, words can't express my heartfelt gratitude. 

A special thank you to my mother, she believed that I could turn my life around for the better with God's help, when I didn't believe in myself or cared anymore about my life--my mother was the only reason I allowed my aunt to help me when I was 25 years old---if you could see me now mom, you would know that your laboring to help me, your massive amounts of encouragement, and your love wasn't in vain..rest in peace, your son!   


For more information or to contact me, contact me through Facebook Messenger.